The different concerts at the CO2PENHAGEN festival will take place in the Music Zone, spread over two concert stages. Some concerts are taking place in-door in Oticon Salen – a venue that is constructed to deliver high-quality sound and amazing acoustics. Other concerts will take place outdoor on the Opera Stage, inspired by Danish Architect Jørn Utzon’s Opera House in Sydney, Australia.
You can learn more about the artist performing at CO2PENHAGEN here. The names will be released continuously. For information about the time and place of the concerts, visit the Programme.

Cool Drinks
In the Music Zone, you will be able to buy ecological beer and snacks. Drinks will be cooled using absorption cooling, meaning that cooling will be done using excess heat generated by the local power plants, that the festival is using. These include the Gasification plant and the Stirling engine.

LED Light Show
While listening to the music of talented artists, remember to enjoy the LED-light show, that will be displayed at Oticon Salen and the outdoor stage during performances. LED stands for Light-Emitting Diode, and it present many advantages over traditional light sources including lower energy consumption, more robustness and longer lifetime.

Light Art Instalation
When walking around the Music Zone, don’t be surprised if you are suddenly caught in a spectacular and rather strange light/wood/art-installation. You have simply been trapped in the vision of artist Hans E. Madsen. Madsen is in charge of lights at CO2PENHAGEN and his Light Installation Art will be in the centre of the music zone at the festival.

Info Desk
If you are lost, can’t find the explore zone or where to fuel up on food – visit the sustainably constructed Information Desk in the Music Zone – which hopefully, you can find. Here welcoming and helpful volunteers are ready to guide you on your quest for whatever you need. This is also the place where you can follow the festival’s entire energy consumption and it’s quest for carbon neutrality!

People Behind
The absorption cooling project
Simon Stubkier, Bachelor student, DTU Mechanical Engineering
Christoffer Lythcke, Bachelor student, DTU Mechanical Engineering
Ulrik Birk Henriksen, Lecturer, Biosystems Division
Jesper Ahrenfeldt, Senior Scientist, Biosystems Division
Brian Elmegaard, Tutor, Lecturer and Head of Department, DTU Mechanical Engineering
The bars are hosted by Polyteknisk Forening, DTU.
Simon Stubkier, Bachelor student, DTU Mechanical Engineering
Christoffer Lythcke, Bachelor student, DTU Mechanical Engineering
Ulrik Birk Henriksen, Lecturer, Biosystems Division
Jesper Ahrenfeldt, Senior Scientist, Biosystems Division
Brian Elmegaard, Tutor, Lecturer and Head of Department, DTU Mechanical Engineering
The bars are hosted by Polyteknisk Forening, DTU.
Consumption overview
Tutor Chresten Træholt, Lecturer, DTU Electrical Engineering
Tutor Jens Thyge Christensen, Lecturer, DTU Informatics
Niels Thykier, Bachelor student, DTU Informatics
Morten Sørensen, Bachelor student, DTU Informatics
Lars Rasmussen, Bachelor student, DTU Informatics
Tutor Jens Thyge Christensen, Lecturer, DTU Informatics
Niels Thykier, Bachelor student, DTU Informatics
Morten Sørensen, Bachelor student, DTU Informatics
Lars Rasmussen, Bachelor student, DTU Informatics
Gasification Plant
Jesper Ahrenfeldt
Ulrik Birk Henriksen
Line Langballe, Totem Collective
Christina Mejborn, Totem Collective
Line Langballe, Totem Collective
Christina Mejborn, Totem Collective
Wristband Electronic Follow
Arek Stopczynski, student, DTU Informatics
Piotr Jakubowski, student, DTU Informatics
Oline Damborg Work, Project Leader, CO2PENHAGEN
Arek Stopczynski, student, DTU Informatics
Piotr Jakubowski, student, DTU Informatics
Oline Damborg Work, Project Leader, CO2PENHAGEN
Hans E. Madsen